Thanks for trying Page After Page!!!! We are confident you'll love the program and will continue to use it. Many hours have gone into the design and implementation to make it as effective as possible. There are some important things to be aware of before you get started. 1. VBRUN300.DLL must be installed already on your system located somewhere in your path. Microsoft recommends that it be placed in your \Windows\System directory. 2. If you decide NOT to register Page After Page, we'd like to know why. If you would, please drop us a note. This will help us determine what changes to make in future versions. If you encounter any problems running Page After Page, let us know. We'll be glad to provide any assistance possible. For further information about Page After Page, install the program using SETUP.EXE, then load the PAP files included with Page After Page. Included is a manual, vendor information and other important documentation.